Monday, February 4, 2013

My Boyfriend Does My Makeup!

Happy Monday everyone! Today is an exciting day. I finally finished editing a much awaited video for you guys, My Boyfriend Does My Makeup. This has been a popular tag going around onYouTube the past year and I couldn't wait to film it. I was a bit hesitant at first because my boyfriend, Daniel, has watched me do my makeup numerous times and I thought he'd do a really good job (the point of the tag being how horrible guys are at doing makeup). But I thought, what the hell, might as well do it anyways and if he's good, then we can all laugh at how good he is at doing makeup... Wow, was I wrong. He was terrible. I knew as soon as he took my pink eyeshadow and applied it as blush, or when he took my concealer and used it as lipstick. All in all it was a very funny video to film and I was completely shocked to see the finished look afterwards.

What was even more hilarious was my sister's reaction. "Oh my God, EW!!" Love her haha.

Thanks for reading!,

Watch Dan fail hardcore!

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