Let me start off with a little story...
My fashion sense has changed dramatically throughout the course of my life. When I was little, no matter how hard my mom tried to get me into dresses, it was next to impossible. I loved everything that my older cousin Ricky wore. From ninja turtle PJs to soccer sorts, a mighty ducks tee, and a backwards baseball cap, I was the biggest definition of a tom boy.
As I started High School, I had zero fashion sense. It was embarrassing. I'd wear "Finding Nemo" sweatpants and a tee with monkeys across the front. I still don't understand why my mom allowed me out of the house. But as I began puberty (grade 10, late I know) and realized that I could no longer be a child, I decided to shop at the only cool places I knew; Abercrombie&Fitch and Hollister. These two brands in particular were the "it" items when I was in High School because they were hard to find. They were only sold in the States at the time and were somewhat pricey for a 15 year old. But this was all I bought. Not even kidding I didn't own anything other than these brands. Prep a la max.
When I graduated High School and moved on to CEGEP (which is College in Montreal) I began to see a different side of fashion. People began dressing older and more mature, even though CEGEP is basically a continuation to High School maturity wise. I began making friends with people from all over Montreal, not just the west. So began my experimentation with fashion.
I've always enjoyed bright colors and sparkles, but the past couple of years (around the time when I started University) I've become more of a hipster than I ever thought I would. I used to hate on the wannabe hipsters and laugh at how ridiculous they looked, but now I see it in a different way. If it can be mixed with proper trendy fashion and worn in a certain way, it's the hottest thing. Ripped high waisted jean shorts, knee high socks, grungy loose tanks with an oversized grandfather sweater/cardigan, and crazy platform heels or biker boots are my favorite. I love the whole laid back look and not having to try as hard to look appropriate to leave the house. Not to mention it's super comfortable. I have ridiculously long legs so I love how high waisted shorts look on me. I'm finally comfortable in my own skin.
I'm not saying that any other fashion than mine is wrong because I respect anything that other people like on themselves. I'm just explaining what I enjoy for me at this point and age.
Anyways, I had a great idea to experiment a twisted fashion sense. I wanted to create a certain split personality in fashion. I wanted to transform someone to the polar opposite of how they normally dress. My friend Laura was the perfect person. She has a very beautiful and classy style. She reminds me a lot of Blair Waldorf from Gossip Girl (not just to mention they're almost twins look-wise) because they both love high end designers and more of a put together classic look than a grungy, dirty, messy look.
I decided to spend a whole afternoon with her doing her makeup very dark, dressing her in my clothes, and creating a photo shoot that was very different from what she was normally used to.
And so it begins...
Laura dressed in her own style at the Waldorf Hotel in NYC |
Laura had a blast and I'm glad I got to switch up her style and see how clothing can change how a person is perceived. I do still believe that inside all of us is a wild thing.
Thanks for reading :)
PS- If you're interested in where some of these clothing items are from let me know in the comments below :)